An estimated 75% of IBS patients are women |
The Clinical Practice of Chinese Medicine: Chronic Gastritis & Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Being a patients myself before and until the stage of being awakened in the middle of the night due to severe abdominal pain as a result of IBS wasn't nice. The thought of it being something real wrong and dreadful inside the body is depressing. The daily work activities were disrupted tremendously. The medicines given by the multiple visits to different doctors didn't work at all!
Further stool analysis and endoscopy test were done. No problem was found and in fact everything was normal. This is the initial sign that IBS was the culprit. It brought great relief but that didn't help in getting life back to normal. There is still no known cure to IBS, there is still no known treatment that can address the problems experienced by all IBS suffers today.
The whole IBS symptoms episode lasted about 4 months until the endoscopy was performed, with no improvement! That was devastating. Until a coincidental opportunity that Traditional Chinese Treatment was introduced by a previous patient, who had recovered and get rid of IBS completely. This was the first introduction to Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM).
Being skeptical initially coupled with no other alternative, the feeling was one in despair given no other choice. The result of the TCM treatment was remarkable. As soon as the first course of medication completed, the improvement was felt! This brought much delights.
The TCM sees IBS as a persistent "upsets" done to the gastrointestinal system. These prolonged imbalances had resulted in the dysfunction of the gastrointestinal system. The whole digestive system just don't know how to keep to it's normal functional routines. TCM takes a holistic approach towards addressing IBS. It didn't just suppress the IBS symptoms, but it takes time to deal with it patiently with an ultimate aim to totally correct this imbalance and eradicate Irritable Bowel Syndrome!
A total of 3 continuous months with 6 courses of TCM treatments were the answer to address this IBS symptoms. However it didn't just the medications that were making it works; one to get rid of the "stomach wind" thus reducing the bloated stomach, the second drug to deal with diarrhea if necessary and the vital one that goes to "condition" the gastric prior to every meal. It was also accompanied with full dietary control in avoiding oily, fatty, fried and spicy foods. Also caffeinated, dairy, cold and hot drinks intake were reduced.
Normal dietary course resumed after the 3 continuous months of TCM treatments. With great gladness, I have totally recovered!