What are the symptoms of IBS?
The symptoms of IBS vary from individual to individual. These symptoms also commonly resemble those signs of other diseases. The common symptoms are:
- Abdominal pain, gastric pain or cramping
- Regular bloating and worsen especially just before and after eating
- Gas/ excessive stomach wind (flatulence)
- Indigestion, diarrhea and/ or constipation
- Alternating between diarrhea and constipation
- Mucus in the stool
- Inability of emptying bowel fully
- Feeling of always having the urge to move bowel even after doing one
- Increased visits to remove bowel
IBS is not an easy health problem to get diagnosed and identified. It requires a lengthy process before it can be reasonably and safely confirmed as IBS as the symptoms are very similar to many other diseases. In severe cases, IBS may not be addressed well by treatment or medication. IBS is typically a chronic condition, which is one of the indication and sign before it is positively diagnosed. The signs and symptoms of IBS can also take the course of a roller coaster; come and go as it wishes.