Monday, January 31, 2011

IBS or Irritable Bowel Syndrome: How To Overcome It With Success

Having shared the problems of gastric pain and how the experiences of Irritable Bowel syndrome came about, I am hopeful that with sheer determination and efforts this irritable and stomach pain problem can be eradicated totally.

There are 5 things that we can look out for.

Firstly, we need to control the meal intake as in the portion or amount. This total meal intake control has to be strictly adhere to in order to overcome this gastric pain and stomach ache. The important change would be to consume lesser amount of foods at each meal times but at an increased number of meals. With this stomach problem one can't afford to take massive amount of foods as wished. Most people will feel hungry very fast especially drawing near to meal times. The gastric will churn quicker than normal. It is also recommended that more meals are taken over the day. So now for example, instead of 3 meals a day, the person will be required to take 5 meals to compensate for the lesser amount of food intake in a day.

This is to prevent overloading the stomach while not succumbing to another gastric attack.

Secondly, the choices of foods have to be specially drain down to non-oily, non-spicy, non fried stuffs with high fibre content meals most preferred. Coffee, tea, cold drinks or any acidic drink should be skipped at all cost. This requires a disciplined mind and determination. From experience, it took me 3 months of simple intake of porridges and noodles with soup on the 3 main meals in overcoming this gastric problem. Biscuits and bread in between meals is fine to go with. As soon as the stomach starts to churn and you have the hungry feeling, feed it with bread or bits of biscuit prior to any proper meal times.

Thirdly, learn to relax. This may not be easy depending on the workload and responsibility one carries, BUT it is important to understand that stress contributes a great deal to this gastric problem. There are many ways that one can learn to relax and during office hours, and it is good to have a walk reguarly or try stretching oneself at intervals.

Fourth, exercise. Exercise is an important factor in the whole formula of overcoming this gastric problem. Not only it helps to de-stress after a hard day's work, but exercising help the physical body to achieve a stage of relaxation and also a direct approach of exerting energy to get rid of the unwanted wind in the digestive system caused by extreme acidity. Taking a walk or stroll after dinner is as helpful as any form of exercise. For some people, Qigong helps.

Lastly, if the condition is more severe, medication should be prescribed. There is no need to suffer in silence and medication should be taken to alleviate the gastric pain, which can be killing. Some alternative meidcation is the Traditional Chinese Medicine or commonly known as TCM. TCM takes a holistic approach to eradicate any illness from an individual's condition in which medication is then prescribed to get rid of the root problem.

The right medication should help in speeding up the recovery with meal intake control, choices of food, relaxation and regular exercising.

While irritable bowel syndrome is nothing that of a life threatening disease, a pro-longed condition is detrimental to one's physical and psychological well being.

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